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01. Apocalypse Chronicles - 1st Hour

01. Apocalypse Chronicles - 1st Hour

02. Apocalypse Chronicles - 2nd Hour

03. Christian Media Weekly News

04. Christian Media Scope

05. Streamwars

06. Christian Media Scope

07. Another Gospel

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Christian Median

Ministry Status Report (MSR)

Sunday Shift


Part XIV




Dear Christian Medians,


It's Sunday again and we certainly have our hands full. The alternative media is filled with Trump, with the Republican Convention hot on the heels of the assassination attempt. With dozens of conspiracy theories floating all around, I'm still processing the events, but we should be able to address the implications soon. In the short term the Sunday Shift has Part XIV of Escape From Planet Egypt on the Apocalypse Chronicles.


This is a particularly powerful chapter as it makes important conclusions concerning the historical revisionism inherent in the series – and the most important one is the location of Jezreel, which is Esdraelon in the Greek.


For those in the know, Jezreel is where Ahab and Jezebel moved after Samaria was overrun by the Syrians, and even more importantly, it is the locale of the notorious episode with Naboth, which is one of the most striking sequences anticipating Christ and the crucifixion. We've repeatedly pointed out that Death and Hell, the 2 spirits of Satan that indwelled Ahab and Jezebel (whereas Naboth was the innocent "third part" which was doubled in Christ), have prophetic implications.  


She schemed (an attribute of Hell), to use his authority (the attribute of Death) to kill Naboth so Ahab could have his vineyard.  All of this was doubled as the Sanhedrin (inhabited by Hell) schemed to invoke the Death power in Pilate (inhabited by Death) to kill Christ (the third part-Zechariah 13) so Satan could get his "vineyard."


The implications are even deeper, especially since Jezebel was doubled by Hillary in 2016 to get Trump (detailed in the Twin Timelines series). This background is very useful in discerning what is occurring even now.


After the Apocalypse Chronicles is a brand new installment of the CHRISTIAN MEDIA WEEKLY NEWS (CMWN), our compilation of the news the mainstream media censors.


This week a great deal of the news was impacted by the assassination attempt, and then the Republican Convention, so there are some outstanding moments on  video.


The CMWN starts with a transsexual spinning garbage propaganda for kids, but a bright young girl has much more to say on the subject.


Then there's commentary about how Biden and the Communists want to degrade the Supreme Court because of decisions they didn't like.


The news has a mother whose military daughter was killed in Afghanistan as Biden bragged no one got killed on his watch, just another bald faced lie from the great pretender. There wasn't a dry eye in the place for what they call the gold star mothers…

Next a political commentator shows that the Deep State must be stopped, because of their evil.


Republican Steve Scalise talks Trump's empathy when Steve got shot, and a chilling montage of Internet posts by people actually promising to kill Trump!


Then we see Biden saying he's turning down the violent rhetoric, followed by clips where he threatens Trump!


Tucker Carlson has a great close to the CHRISTIAN MEDIA WEEKLY NEWS as he is so astute, offering a few poignant comments to an excellent 30 minute synopsis of the week we all just endured.



Then we have a Christian MediaScope where Mike Adams examines audio recordings of the gunshots at the Trump event, and indicates they point to multiple shooters.


After that, we have another analysis, on the Streamwars program where we see charts of heavy financial investments which indicate advance knowledge of the assassination attempt, and the assumption that Trump would be killed. Somebody was positioned to make millions…


Then we get another Christian MediaScope where the Democrats won't own up to the media blitz of recent times where many figures consistently told us Biden was as sharp as a tack. As the host tells us, They're all lying.


To close the Sunday Shift we pulled out an episode of Another Gospel where Liberty University prof Ed Hindson teaches the Rapture. Hindson marketed a program which was labeled as proof of the pre-tribulation Rapture.


With 50,000 students, Hindson has some 'splainin to do.


Meanwhile, in the obvious wake of a major Secret Service failure (which was undoubtedly a conspiracy) SS director Kimberly Cheatle has come up with a novel excuse.


She says It would have been too dangerous to put snipers on the roof because it was sloped!


"That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,"  Cheatle told ABC News Monday. "And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside."


The building was never actually secured and a man with a rifle was able to scale the building, get on the roof and take shots at former President Donald Trump.


We all know a fireman was killed with 2 others seriously wounded.


Nobody is buying the excuse, especially given Secret Service snipers closer to the stage were also on a sloped roof.


The question which we hope to address is which, if any, conspiracy theory, is true because this whole story is obviously rotten.


Actually, we don't want theories, as the LORD has given us quite a bit of prophecy about Trump so far, and there's obviously more to come.


America is in the LORD's hands as we are, and we are looking to the Scriptures to show us what's next. In the meantime, we continue to press forward with the Spiritual truth, as God has blessed us with some wonderful knowledge.


All the shows we've mentioned are on our second  channel/portal at and they'll only be there for 7 days. All the Webcam Wednesday schedule is still up on toe first channel/portal at the same site, and they've still got a few days left, so there's much to see.


The key to understanding the times in which we live is all about the Spiritual gifts from the LORD. We are seeking God and it is clear He wants to bless us, so we're looking to Christ, and His righteousness for all our answers.

In the meantime, like the Scripture says, Pray without ceasing.


"I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known they faithfulness to all generations" (Psalm 89:1).



James Lloyd

Christian Media

PO Box 1414

Medford OR 97501


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Christian Media Network Catalog

Also from James Lloyd

The Baal Bible DVD
The Baal Bible DVD

James Lloyd summarizes the role of the heathen "scriptures" from Mesopotamia, which the scholars are using to leaven the genuine Word of God. In what he has dubbed the "Baal Bible," these Gentile writings speak of the Creation, the Garden episode, and the Great Flood, even as they glorify Baal. Part of a much larger conspiracy, since these Satanic records provide a distorted version of Genesis, the faulty dating of the scholars has conned Christian leaders into telling us the Baal Bible is the original, and the Hebrew Scriptures are the copy!
Details Here!

Escape From Planet Egypt Book
Escape From Planet Egypt

This new book is the electrifying story of how the Spirit of Antichrist has deceived the scholars into believing the Occult material from ancient Gentile writings generated the growing belief in the Divine Council heresy. James Lloyd's earlier book, Dead Men's Bones, provided a Scriptural refutation of the doctrine that claims the LORD directs a "council" of lesser gods, fallen angels, and heavenly beings.
Details Here!

Thou Shalt Ascend DVD
Thou Shalt Ascend:
The Storm Of Gog and Magog

Thou Shalt Ascend details the amazing reality of how the devils came to battle JESUS CHRIST at the entrance of the kingdom of God. In the new Christian Media DVD, Thou Shalt Ascend: The Storm Of Gog and Magog, James Lloyd shows how the fabled Gog and Magog Prophecies show a deeper Spiritual layer of the military conflict at the end of the age, as they actually describe the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7), when the dragon (and his Angelic Rebel Coalition) is cast out of heaven.
Details Here!

The 5th Dynasty
The 5th Dynasty

Related to the concept of Twin Timelines in which sequential episodes occur more than once in Scripture and History, this DVD looks at the rebellions against Moses in the Wilderness. Recognizing the failed revolt in Numbers 16, in which Korah and his followers died trying to overthrow Moses, the same thing occurred in 1649 AD as a parallel Christian rebellion tried to seize the throne of England for Christ. Known as the 5th Monarchy, James Lloyd connects this historical event with the 5th Dynasty of Israel, led by Jehu in I Kings 19:16.
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Serpents, Scorpions, And Seventy Sons
Serpents, Scorpions, And Seventy Sons

Another new DVD from James Lloyd, Serpents, Scorpions, and Seventy Sons is 2 hours of dynamite video, derived from the TV program The Apocalypse Chronicles. Using the Scriptural record, James shows how the number 70 was related to the LORD's election of Israel, as His mediator to the Gentiles. The number is based on the presence of the children of Israel in Egypt, and this study shows how it symbolizes God's redemptive process, as Israel was chosen as "a light to the Gentiles"
(Isaiah 49:6).
Details Here!

The Saga Of Esau
The Saga Of Esau

Distilling Esau's behavioural patterns down to two themes related to how he despised the will of the LORD, and assigned blame to innocents whom he purposed to kill, James shows how The Saga of Esau is echoed in the Edomites, King Herod, the religious council of the Jewish leadership which rejected Christ, and even Antichrist and the False Prophet.
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Twin Timelines
Twin Timelines DVD

Tying the various events of the presidential campaign (and the first 9 months of the Trump presidency) to what we call the Prophetic Parallels, this amazing new DVD features James detailing the entire cycle of the Twin Timelines – including predictions of where we go from here.
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Dead Mens Bones
Dead Men's Bones DVD

A 2 hour DVD in which James Lloyd refutes the false doctrine of the Divine Council Paradigm. Spreading like wildfire, prophecy teachers are claiming God turned over the Gentiles (at the Tower of Babel) to a "council" of angels and the false "gods" of the Gentiles. The heresy is based on heathen manuscripts praising Baal and, incredibly, many Christian scholars are claiming certain Old Testament verses were derived from writings dedicated to Baal!
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Traversing The Triuniverse
Traversing The Triuniverse

Traversing The Triuniverse is a unique new studio audio narrative from James Lloyd. Based on the article of the same name, James reviews the twin timelines concept, which has been previously examined, wherein the New Testament events parallel the Old Testament sequences. Now, in Traversing The Triuniverse, he takes the prophetic parallels a step further, showing how the Spiritual fulfillment is the substance, but the physical timeline, inhabited by the Spirit of Antichrist, which is the shadow, takes the same sequence, and reverses the roles.

Video Here!

Lord, Lord
Lord, Lord

Those famous words, familiar to Christians reading the New Testament, are spoken at the time of judgment, when the Bible says MANY will be turned away. Most believers are also aware of the ominous response in which Christ tells this "many" to depart from Him, as He never knew them.

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A Light To The Nations
A Light To The Nations - Book

This book includes the astonishing prophetic metaphor where Jonah, symbolizing Old Covenant Israel, resists the call to prophesy to the Gentiles, and sails to Europe to escape the LORD's will. Swallowed up in symbolic Death – and then deposited back onto the land, where the Christ rejecting state re-emerges in 1948 as an involuntary witness, Jonah is an important figure in prophecy. Meanwhile, true Spiritual Israel is seen passing through the sea, walking in the will of the LORD, at the Exodus, even as the earthdwellers (the Egyptian host in the text) are destroyed.

Details Here!

Rise And Fall Of The Romerican Empire
The Rise And Fall Of The Romerican Empire - Book

In this amazing book, James brings together all the components of prophecy, including the Prophetic Parallels, the 6, 7, 8 Cycle, the Beast That Was sequence, the Little Horn, and the Twin Timelines of Bible Prophecy. Integrating these modularized phenomena into a seamless whole, The Rise and Fall Of The Romerican Empire deciphers Bible Prophecy in an unprecedented fashion.

The identity of Antichrist is again revealed in this work, as well as clearly showing where we are now in the prophesied sequence of events. His largest book in 20 years, the Rise and Fall Of The Romerican Empire is the definitive work which systematically presents the truth of Remnant theology.

Details Here!

The Collective
The Collective - Book

This book details how the Spiritual entity is essentially the opposite of the body of Christ. Symbolically articulated in the book of Revelation as the Image of the Beast, the Spiritual formation could also be described as the body of Antichrist. This polarity places the body of Christ on one end of the Spiritual spectrum, and the body of Antichrist on the other.

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The Culting Of Christianity
The Culting Of Christianity - Book

The Culting Of Christianity links Egyptian mysticism to leaders in the early church, as well as Jewish opponents of Christianity.

An incendiary breakthrough, James conclusively shows the idea of a pre-tribulational evacuation was written in religious documents before Jesus was born. And it doesn't stop there, as James tracks how Occultic writings influenced the development of early Christian doctrine.

Details Here!

The Counterfeit Antichrist
The Counterfeit Antichrist

The first new DVD from James Lloyd in several years, this 2 hour TV program examines the rapidly growing idea the appearance of "the" Antichrist will be tied to the prophesied Moslem saviour figure known as The Mahdi.

Many Christian preachers and prophecy authors are now embracing a variation on the ancient "revived Roman Empire" lie with a scenario in which the end times "Antichrist" arrives as a powerful leader from the Islamic world. Leaning on Islamic prophecy itself, in the process of presenting their case in books, television programs, and speaking engagements, these false prophets are pitching another gospel (II Corinthians 11:4) which fails to recognize the truth about the Spiritual entities – commonly identified as Antichrist and The False Prophet -- found in Revelation.

Video Here!

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