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The Great Exchange


Part XX



The previous installment of The Great Exchange began to examine additional aspects of the supernatural shift which occurred as salvation in Jesus Christ entered into the world.


In Part XIX, we showed how the Spirit of Hell, which was then evidenced in the Jews, exchanged places with the Spirit of Death, which resided in the Gentiles. This was a by-product of the LORD’s reconfiguration of the Spiritual spectrum, as Christ opened the “door” of salvation, through His sacrifice on the cross.


Simultaneously, Christ closed the door of salvation under the Old Covenant sacrificial system, which was available by keeping the law of God.


“And they that were ready went in…and the door was shut(Matthew 25:10).


This was not the first time the “principalities and powers in heavenly places” (Ephesians 3:10) were rearranged. 

In early chapters of this work, we examined how the symbiotic pair of Death and Hell (with the phenomenon of Sin a similitude of Hell) entered into the world, at the fall of Adam and Eve.


“As by one man sin entered into the world, and death [entered] by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).


Since Death entered in to the world as a result of Sin, we then pointed out that by living a perfect, sinless Life, Death had no power over Jesus. Thus, Christ voluntarily yielded His divine Life to the Death on the cross.


However, the New Testament provides additional information concerning how Death and Hell (or Sin), impacted man. The Apostle Paul, writing to the Romans, points out that before Moses introduced the law of God, although Sin was in the world, the knowledge of Sin was not codified, since the law elaborated on the particulars of the “touch not, taste not, handle not” aspects of Sin (Colossians 2:21).


In other words, before the commandments of God were established, how could we be held accountable for breaking those commandments?


Certainly Sin was present, as God gave Adam and Eve the commandment prohibiting the eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil --  and He further said Death would be the result of disobedience of that commandment. Thus, the sequence of “Sin unto Death” (I John 5:16) was established from the earliest time.


“For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses” (Romans 5:13, 14). 


Moreover, the death which entered the world through Adam and Eve, placed the entire creation under the curse of Death.


“And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Romans 5:12; 8:22).


However, the law of Moses, given directly by God to Moses, established the concept of the mediator, as God sent Moses as an ambassador to mediate between Himself and the family He elected to represent His righteousness to the rest of the nations.


Therefore, the Old Covenant defined the standard, and the way that God wanted us to live. In fact, with that knowledge, we were then in the position of recognizing our sinful nature.


“I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet” (Romans 7:7).


Incredibly, Paul just said he would not have known about the alluring power of sin, except for the law of Moses. The Apostle goes on to elaborate about the bondage of sin, and how it was the struggle to keep the commandments that demonstrated to him how man has been taken captive by our sinful nature – with captivity one of the prime characteristics of Hell


“For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do” (Romans 7:19).


This means that when the LORD intervened in the world in order to install His covenant for the Israelites (who were chosen to be His mediator to the nations), Death and Hell (once again, with Sin a euphemism for Hell) were reconfigured because of God’s effort to redeem Israel, and subsequently the Gentiles.


Since the law which is intrinsic to the Old Covenant was given to Israel (to help the LORD’s chosen to recognize their sinful nature), it became clear the sacrificial system described in the law was necessary to atone for the many times Israel turned away from the LORD. Further, since the Gentiles were separate from Israel, and worshiping devils masquerading as the heathen “gods,” it is self evident the Spirit of Sin (read Hell) was in Israel, even as the Spirit of Death was in the “not chosen” Gentiles.


As we’ve repeatedly shown that Sin leads to Death, and anything less than an enthusiastic, all out embrace of the LORD will eventually be eroded through the deteriorative version of the 6, 7, 8 Cycle, it was only a matter of time before Israel slid back into the ways of the world.


The reader will recall we addressed the 6, 7, 8 Cycle in Part XV of the present work. Yet another systemic formula in the Triuniverse, it represents the finite world in the number 6, as the pinnacle of creation was man who was made in the image of God, on the 6th day.


As man interacts with God, personified by the number 7 (God rested on the 7th day after the creation), the cumulative result of the collision of the two is represented by the number 8, which is a composite mingling of the 6 and the 7.


“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is [comprised] of the seven, and goeth into perdition” (Revelation 17:11).


With the eighth day representing new beginnings (8 people in the ark, the male child circumcised on the 8th day, and the 8th day the first day of a new week, etc), the equation tells us that all creation will eventually deteriorate, and go “into perdition” (Revelation 17:11).


“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all conversation and godliness…Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness” (II Peter 3:11, 13).


In any event, since the Perdition Engine (which is Hell feeding into Death) was activated at the fall, it was inevitable that flesh and blood Israel would become defiled, and follow the formulas emanating out of heaven – unless God intervened.


As we have shown, even though the LORD appointed Israel to mediate His light to the nations, Israel reversed course and imported the Spiritual darkness of the Gentiles. Thus, the 6, 7, 8 Cycle is not dissimilar to the Perdition Engine, as it articulates a supernatural sequence which provides us with a systemic degree of predictability.


The Good News is, the LORD did indeed intervene in Israel’s fate, when He turned everything upside down in Jesus Christ!


“Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed….” (Isaiah 29:16).


When stepping back to view how these cycles have occurred historically, we see the same thing happened with Noah. Mankind’s condition had deteriorated to such a dreadful degree that if the LORD had not intervened with the flood, it would have been only a matter of time before Noah and his family were overcome. 


As the Perdition Engine wreaked havoc on the world population, Noah and his family comprised the Remnant who recognized man’s need of a relationship with God.

“And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13).


We can actually see the dim outline of the 6, 7, 8 Cycle in the account of Noah, for he was six centuries old when he entered the ark (Genesis 7:11), God waited for seven days before the flood began (Genesis 7:10), and there were eight people who survived the flood in the ark (Genesis 7:13).


Thus, considering the principle of Twin Timelines (in which historic sequences are doubled with a different set of earthly vessels – see the Christian Media work on the subject of Twin Timelines), it’s not surprising that Christ referenced the story of Noah when He was queried by the disciples concerning the conditions at the end of the age.


“As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26, 27).


It is fascinating to recognize the same closing sequence occurred in antiquity -- for just as Jesus shut the door of salvation on the Old Covenant, even as He opened the portal to glory through the cross -- the same thing occurred in the days of Noah.


“And they went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in(Genesis 7:16). 


This makes the astonishing tragedy involved in the drowning of the entire world one of the greatest acts of mercy in all human history, as the LORD preserved the Remnant in Noah’s generation.


The pattern of the LORD intervening when things are extremely dark has repeatedly occurred. The days of Elijah are another example. In his time, when the pernicious pair of Ahab and Jezebel, inhabited by Death and Hell, had corrupted the entire nation of Israel through the worship of Baal, life had become so treacherous that even the great prophet became discouraged and petitioned the LORD against Israel.


“The children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away” (I Kings 19:14).


At this stage of the events in Israel, when the circumstances looked practically hopeless, the Scriptures indicate the LORD intervened and encouraged Elijah.

God told Elijah that although Israel had overwhelmingly turned against Him, this was a time in which the tide would begin to be turn against the apostasy that had overtaken Israel, as the prophet was told to anoint an outsider named Jehu to be the king of Israel.


“And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel” (I Kings 19:16).


Moreover, God also told Elijah that He had reserved a Remnant that was faithful to Him. 


“Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him” (I Kings 19:18).


In looking back at Jehu, the Old Testament tells us he was the key individual who sparked the destruction of the multi-generational evil that was constructed by Jezebel – and the fifth dynasty of Israelite kings which Jehu inaugurated allowed the two houses of Israel and Judah more time before the LORD destroyed the Northern kingdom of Israel.


The LORD has revealed that Jehu foreshadowed the present leader of America, Donald Trump – and the 6, 7, 8 Cycle provides a crucial part of the Scriptural formula. In multiple prophecies delivered through Christian Media, God has shown the six kingdoms which intensely impacted Israel in the Old Covenant age were doubled in the Christian era – positioning America as the sixth kingdom in the 6, 7, 8 Cycle which is unfolding in our time.


But another look at that historic epic will have to wait for the next installment of The Great Exchange.


-- James Lloyd                                

To Be Continued




Christian Media has an eye-opening, on-demand video elaborating on the crucial facts seen in the above article — which also includes predictions concerning the enormous turn of events associated with the present political tumult in America – especially with reference to the American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the political state known as Israel. 


That video will be posted on our second channel on the Sunday Shift. We also publish a weekly news synopsis summarizing what has occurred each week.


This news is also posted on our news site, which has links to our various  media outreaches. In addition to this, twice a week (Wednesdays and Sundays), we publish a companion letter commenting on the material seen in each chapter of THE GREAT EXCHANGE. The latest edition of that letter (entitled the Christian Median MINISTRY STATUS REPORT - MSR), has even more prophetic projections concerning the amazing explosion of prophetic understanding which has occurred at the Christian Media ministry, and it includes the most recent information pertinent to the Remnant that are the Christian Medians


That letter (the MSR) is reserved for those who help sustain the ministry even as visitors are welcome. 


Further, we have additional video materials online dealing with Health and Survival, as well as yet another regularly issued video which identifies specific False Prophets the believer should avoid.


Viewing of the online video we transmit on our video channels is completely free (as is the receipt of this weekly Communique), and we greatly desire as many as possible will see it (a new video will replace it in another week), but we do not want to “cast [our] pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). There are those who partake of the Spiritual blessings bestowed on us from the LORD, yet they feel no motivation to help us reach others with this eye-opening truth.

Such routinely seek to cleave to us with flatteries, thinking their agreement with the LORD’s perspective equals support.


“Such as do wickedly against the covenant shall [be] corrupted by flatteries” (Daniel 11:32).


We’ve found the power company as well as our many Internet providers do not accept flatteries as payment!

Further, because there are many vested interests which are threatened by the content the Christian Media ministry provides, regular efforts are made to penetrate our ranks – including hacker attacks.


Incredibly, we’ve already proven that “Christian” parties have actually hired hackers to attack our websites (Galatians 4:29). Thus, we desire to weed out those who are insincere about further examinations of the truth of the Gospel, so we send the links to our Internet materials via surface mail.


As we move through the Spiritual wilderness behind the veil of this world, even our Internet domains are subject to be seized by the dark powers, so we urge all those who hear the voice of the LORD in these Communiques to seek the LORD while He may yet be found. As those who have inherited the light of God through Christ’s marvelous work,


“[We] must work the works of him that sent [us], while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4).


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Also from James Lloyd

The Baal Bible DVD
The Baal Bible DVD

James Lloyd summarizes the role of the heathen "scriptures" from Mesopotamia, which the scholars are using to leaven the genuine Word of God. In what he has dubbed the "Baal Bible," these Gentile writings speak of the Creation, the Garden episode, and the Great Flood, even as they glorify Baal. Part of a much larger conspiracy, since these Satanic records provide a distorted version of Genesis, the faulty dating of the scholars has conned Christian leaders into telling us the Baal Bible is the original, and the Hebrew Scriptures are the copy!
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Escape From Planet Egypt Book
Escape From Planet Egypt

This new book is the electrifying story of how the Spirit of Antichrist has deceived the scholars into believing the Occult material from ancient Gentile writings generated the growing belief in the Divine Council heresy. James Lloyd's earlier book, Dead Men's Bones, provided a Scriptural refutation of the doctrine that claims the LORD directs a "council" of lesser gods, fallen angels, and heavenly beings.
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Thou Shalt Ascend DVD
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The Storm Of Gog and Magog

Thou Shalt Ascend details the amazing reality of how the devils came to battle JESUS CHRIST at the entrance of the kingdom of God. In the new Christian Media DVD, Thou Shalt Ascend: The Storm Of Gog and Magog, James Lloyd shows how the fabled Gog and Magog Prophecies show a deeper Spiritual layer of the military conflict at the end of the age, as they actually describe the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7), when the dragon (and his Angelic Rebel Coalition) is cast out of heaven.
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The 5th Dynasty
The 5th Dynasty

Related to the concept of Twin Timelines in which sequential episodes occur more than once in Scripture and History, this DVD looks at the rebellions against Moses in the Wilderness. Recognizing the failed revolt in Numbers 16, in which Korah and his followers died trying to overthrow Moses, the same thing occurred in 1649 AD as a parallel Christian rebellion tried to seize the throne of England for Christ. Known as the 5th Monarchy, James Lloyd connects this historical event with the 5th Dynasty of Israel, led by Jehu in I Kings 19:16.
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Serpents, Scorpions, And Seventy Sons

Another new DVD from James Lloyd, Serpents, Scorpions, and Seventy Sons is 2 hours of dynamite video, derived from the TV program The Apocalypse Chronicles. Using the Scriptural record, James shows how the number 70 was related to the LORD's election of Israel, as His mediator to the Gentiles. The number is based on the presence of the children of Israel in Egypt, and this study shows how it symbolizes God's redemptive process, as Israel was chosen as "a light to the Gentiles"
(Isaiah 49:6).
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The Saga Of Esau
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Twin Timelines
Twin Timelines DVD

Tying the various events of the presidential campaign (and the first 9 months of the Trump presidency) to what we call the Prophetic Parallels, this amazing new DVD features James detailing the entire cycle of the Twin Timelines – including predictions of where we go from here.
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Dead Mens Bones
Dead Men's Bones DVD

A 2 hour DVD in which James Lloyd refutes the false doctrine of the Divine Council Paradigm. Spreading like wildfire, prophecy teachers are claiming God turned over the Gentiles (at the Tower of Babel) to a "council" of angels and the false "gods" of the Gentiles. The heresy is based on heathen manuscripts praising Baal and, incredibly, many Christian scholars are claiming certain Old Testament verses were derived from writings dedicated to Baal!
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Traversing The Triuniverse
Traversing The Triuniverse

Traversing The Triuniverse is a unique new studio audio narrative from James Lloyd. Based on the article of the same name, James reviews the twin timelines concept, which has been previously examined, wherein the New Testament events parallel the Old Testament sequences. Now, in Traversing The Triuniverse, he takes the prophetic parallels a step further, showing how the Spiritual fulfillment is the substance, but the physical timeline, inhabited by the Spirit of Antichrist, which is the shadow, takes the same sequence, and reverses the roles.

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A Light To The Nations
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This book includes the astonishing prophetic metaphor where Jonah, symbolizing Old Covenant Israel, resists the call to prophesy to the Gentiles, and sails to Europe to escape the LORD's will. Swallowed up in symbolic Death – and then deposited back onto the land, where the Christ rejecting state re-emerges in 1948 as an involuntary witness, Jonah is an important figure in prophecy. Meanwhile, true Spiritual Israel is seen passing through the sea, walking in the will of the LORD, at the Exodus, even as the earthdwellers (the Egyptian host in the text) are destroyed.

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Rise And Fall Of The Romerican Empire
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The identity of Antichrist is again revealed in this work, as well as clearly showing where we are now in the prophesied sequence of events. His largest book in 20 years, the Rise and Fall Of The Romerican Empire is the definitive work which systematically presents the truth of Remnant theology.

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The Collective
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This book details how the Spiritual entity is essentially the opposite of the body of Christ. Symbolically articulated in the book of Revelation as the Image of the Beast, the Spiritual formation could also be described as the body of Antichrist. This polarity places the body of Christ on one end of the Spiritual spectrum, and the body of Antichrist on the other.

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The Culting Of Christianity
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The Counterfeit Antichrist
The Counterfeit Antichrist

The first new DVD from James Lloyd in several years, this 2 hour TV program examines the rapidly growing idea the appearance of "the" Antichrist will be tied to the prophesied Moslem saviour figure known as The Mahdi.

Many Christian preachers and prophecy authors are now embracing a variation on the ancient "revived Roman Empire" lie with a scenario in which the end times "Antichrist" arrives as a powerful leader from the Islamic world. Leaning on Islamic prophecy itself, in the process of presenting their case in books, television programs, and speaking engagements, these false prophets are pitching another gospel (II Corinthians 11:4) which fails to recognize the truth about the Spiritual entities – commonly identified as Antichrist and The False Prophet -- found in Revelation.

Video Here!

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